Friday, December 7, 2007


Wow, it's been a while since mommy has had time to post all the things I've been doing lately. So here's an update since Halloween:

Nana came to stay for about two weeks in November because Grandma Deb (my regular sitter) had to have surgery. Grandma Deb recovered quickly and is doing just fine, and Nana and I had a blast together!
Uncle Scoupe and Courtney and Uncle Chris and the kids all came to our house for Thanksgiving. Sadly, I was already in bed when Scoupe and Courtney got here, but I had fun playing "Baby on the moon" with Chris and being entertained by Abbey, Josh and Mary (especially Mary's singing!).

Then, we went to Rock Hill for Thanksgiving, too. Believe it or not, that's where I met Santa Claus!
Here's me telling him what I want....
And here's me making sure mom & dad wrote it all down.

Before Thanksgiving dinner (well, I had already had MY dinner), everyone put their new ornament on the Christmas tree at Nana & Pop's house. Nana & Pop think I'm pretty special, because I got THREE ornaments!

Let's see, what else?

Oh yeah, mom & dad were really impressed last week when all of the sudden...

I started sitting up by myself!

Of course, I still topple pretty often, but I can sit for a couple minutes at a time usually. It's like a whole new world now! I'm so strong!

I'm still working on enjoying tummy time, and mom has a couple tricks to make me tolerate it for a few minutes everyday.

I'm getting pretty great at rolling over again, though--I stopped doing it for about two months, but decided it was worth it to avoid as much tummy time as possible!

Actually, I think I might start a facebook group called "Down with Tummy Time!" I know a couple of babies from the nursery at church who would defintely join....

That's all for now--time to get back to some serious jumping in the johnny-jump-up!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My First Halloween

Hi everyone!
I had yet another big day this week--my first venture into the world of trick-or-treating! Last month, Nana and Pop brought me the cutest little puppy costume. Mom thought it would be a perfect match for my chubby little cheeks.
It looked really big on the hanger, but when Mom put it on me, it was just right. Good thing Halloween was this month or it might not have fit me after all!
So yesterday afternoon, I went to downtown Watkinsville with Tabitha and Titus (we brought our parents, too).
They showed me the ropes of getting grown-ups to give you candy for basically no work at all. Apparently all you have to do is be really stinking cute, and they can't resist. Especially once you perfect the puppy dog face....
Everybody was stuffing candy in my little bag, and I don't even have teeth yet!

I did have lots of fun, even though I didn't smile much for the camera. I was a little overwhelmed by all those kids everywhere, trying to be as cute as me and my buddies.
At the end of our little trip, I gotta say, I was exhausted!
Well, I guess that's all for now. Happy November!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm a Prodigy!

So, I've learned some pretty great things this week, like how to read and how to write a book report. With mom and dad always talking about their students' writing skills, it wasn't hard to pick up on the basics. Now, actually typing that stuff out took a little work, but I'm getting there.

Here is just a basic description of how I wrote my first book report on my favorite book in the whole world, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? : Dr. Seuss's Book of Wonderful Noises. (Dad says you know it's a good academically rigorous book if it has a semi-colon in it's title.)

Obviously, I had to read the book first. Mom and Dad are always wondering (out loud) whether their students actually completed this step, so I assumed it was pretty important. Here's me opening the book and getting ready to read.

(Hmmm...I wonder what this book is about...I've only read it, like, a bazillion times...)

They also say it's good to look at the pictures and guess what will happen next.

(I bet Mr. Brown is going to sound like a rooster! Okay, okay, so I have the book memorized already.)

A good reader relates the story to his own life.

(No way!!! Mr. Brown makes thunder?!?!? I wish I could do that!)

When you're done reading, it's good to tell someone about what you read, so you don't forget it.

(...and then he says "SPLATT! SPLATT! SPLATT!" which is supposed to sound like lightning, but I don't really think lightning sounds like that...)

Then, it's time to write! Here's me typing out my rough draft (with a little help).

Mommy copied what I typed in Microsoft Word to share it with all my avid readers. Enjoy!!!

"Nekeuyecio yyyyyyyyyyyyyy k vbn cuojlmmp v3 xg sxfgjv[[ ."


Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Today I finally got to pet Feral Cat!!!

I have had my eye on that critter for ages, and today we finally hit it off. Here's how it all happened:
Mommy had me in her lap at the computer so she could check her email. Well, everyone know that the Feral Cat always gets in the way of the computer screen trying to get some I knew it was my big chance when she jumped up on the desk.
Then, she bent down to sniff my hand, and mommy helped me pet her really gently. She totally loved it, and she kept turning around to let me pet her on both sides. She's so soft! Unfortunately, though, mommy wouldn't let me grab big handfuls of her fur and yank them out (though I did try). And since she had to keep control of both of my lightning-fast hands, she couldn't take any pictures of the momentous event, but I'm sure she'll try again when daddy gets home!

For now, I'm hanging out (literally) in my new jumpy toy nana and pop brought me, dictating all this to mommy to type out :) I've really got the hang of this seat now--I can dictate and play at the same time!!!

In other news, my good friend Aunt Jen came to visit this week! We had a blast! Can't wait to see her again!
And, I am getting pretty darn good at drinking from my bottle all by myself. Check it out!

Write more soon!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Big Weekend

wow, this weekend was so great, it's taken me 3 days to process and organize all the things i want to say!

first of all, last week was a little crazy for me schedule-wise. i took some really good morning naps that had mom totally pumped, but then i skipped some of my other naps which just left her confused. i gotta keep her on her toes, you know....

i also have been exploring the higher octaves of my vocal range, which, at some point in the wee hours of saturday morning, was making mom want to pull her hair out.

i jotted that reaction down for future reference when i want some thing really badly.

Feral didn't seem too impressed, though, so i've gotta come up with something different for her...

anyway, saturday, nana and pop came down for daddy's birthday. of course, they brought me presents, too!

mommy made daddy's favorite homemade donuts, but i'm still too little to have any....

then daddy had to go and tease me with his cup of milk!

that's okay, though, because i'm getting pretty good with a spoon, and next is a cup of my own!

mommy, nana and i went to the park for a while dad & pop watched some football, then pop taught me how to be one of the guys, too.

Everybody went out to eat after i went to bed, so Karen came over to make sure i didn't escape while they were gone. i'm pretty sure i saw her creep into my room to peek at how cute i am when i'm sleeping.
last but not least, aunt joy and uncle vernon came to visit sunday! we had tons of fun, and i even let them hear my cute little laugh!
guess that just about sums it up. ttyl!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


hi everyone!

i've been trying to get mom to post all week, so now i finally made it happen using my special super-power: irresistible cuteness! i also think she should make a post about the nice, predictable routine i've settled into lately, but she'll have to get a little more time and organization to make that happen. i mean, it needs to be a kind of photo-documentary, so she'll have to remember to keep a camera handy at all times for a day. who knows when she'll manage that!

so anyway, while we collectively wait for mom to get it together, here's a couple highlights of the past week or so:

uncle scoupe and courtney came to visit last sunday. i think i must've really laid on the cuteness last time they came, because this time they brought me stuff! (wait, they did last time, too....and the time before that. man, they are some pretty generous people!) anyway, this time they gave me a sting ray from the Georgia Aquarium and a little bear wearing a Georgia hoodie.

i'm pretty pumped about them both. who would've thought sting ray tail could taste so yummy? we also had a great time walking around the lake at a local park and discussing the complexities of comma usage in written English. i think i might've even taught them something new...

besides that, the week was pretty normal, except i spent an extra few hours with 'Grandma Debbie' on thursday so mommy could get some important grading done. then, today, mom's friends Karen and Amy came over "to knit," but i know they really came to check out how big and handsome i'm getting. needless to say, i got some extra attention and snuggles from them both!

last but not least, i overheard daddy talking to Nana this afternoon, and she's bringing me a Halloween costume....can't tell you what it is, though--it's a surprise!!!

well, gotta go find something to chew on!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


so mom and i had a talk today, and we decided i'm big enough to have my own blog now. i've been working really hard for this--i eat a TON everyday just so i can get big enough for stuff like this.

unfortunately, i'm still not quite big enough to sit up all by myself, which makes it hard to get to the keyboard. that means mom and dad have to do all the typing for me, and that means they get the final word on things like the title of my blog.

here's a disclaimer, though:

just because the blog says 'willy miles' doesn't give anyone permission to call me 'willy'.

got it? thanks.

so, back to the topic of how big i am. lately i've been doing all kinds of new stuff, like eating fruits & veggies, trying to sit up by myself, grabbing my feet and laughing a lot.
i also cruise around in my big boy umbrella stroller pretty regularly. i'm pretty pumped about that because now i can see everything around me. and, of course, the chicks dig it.

i think mom likes it, too, since it's so much smaller and lighter than the infant stroller, although i think she secretly misses the storage space underneath. just between you and me, i think she used to put me in the stroller just so she didn't have to carry her purse around...

but i digress. this first post here is basically just to give one big 'hello' to the blogosphere and to warn everyone:

this site has been known to contain WMGs*, which have in many studies been linked to sudden fits of laughter, irrational awing and cooing, as well as feelings of general elation and silliness.


oh yeah, and "Go Dawgs"!

*Weapons of Mass Grem