Friday, March 7, 2008


So Mommy and Daddy keep talking about this thing called a beach that we're going to visit next week. They tell me I've been there before, but I don't remember it....Anyway it sounds really fun! I'll get to hang out with some other kids that I know from the nursery at church. We're already making plans for how to get into trouble.

I think my part in the trouble-making is going to be the most important: diversion and look-out. Since I'm not crawling yet, I'll just lay on the cuteness whenever the other kids want to be mischeivous. And we have a whole code worked out for how I'll warn them that an adult is coming: "Dog! Dog! Coo! Dat!"

I'll let you know how it goes.

I'm also really excited because Nana and Pop are coming to see me (and Mommy & Daddy) tomorrow! They won't believe how talkative I am and how many teeth I have (working on #4)!

Oh yeah, one more thing! Mommy is planning my first birthday party for next month--can you believe how old I'm getting? It'll be at Memorial Park here in Athens on April 12th, between 1 and 4pm, so mark your calendars! Mom's sending out invitations soon, but I thought I'd go ahead and mention it.

The park is a great place for kids, families & pets: it has a big lake with a paved path around it, lots of space to spread out blankets and run and play football, and even a little zoo! Last week I saw a bald eagle, brown bear, bobcat, owl and otter at the zoo!

Ok, gotta go, but don't worry--I'll post some pictures of all my Spring Break adventures as soon as I can!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! beach fun!!! can't wait!